Tuesday, February 19, 2008

OMFG they've cast the Cullen family for the Twilight movie... go to the website RIGHT NOW!


dreamer said...

I know I saw that Katty and if you go to IMBD they have who is going to play some of the other characters but Jacob is still a mystery.

turnabout said...

yeah...he's the one i'm really curious about now...

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Cedric Diggory is not as hot as Draco! Lol

Beth said...

That was really random, but I agree.

dreamer said...

Yeah I totally agree mrf13 the guy who's playing edward sucks no offense to the dude he's not pretty enough. But the magic of hollywood is amazing maybe they can make him look decent.

turnabout said...

decent is as good as they're going to get with what they're working with *gag*

alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it