Saturday, November 3, 2007


How is everyone?



dreamer said...

I'm getting majorly confused ink help me. Did wolfy quit. And who is smilee?

turnabout said...

don't answer that before consulting 'smilee' first

Ink said...

Ask Smilee.
I guess I can't answer that question right now...


dreamer said...

eeh? Okay. So confused my brain hurts.

turnabout said...

nah, well depending on who is concerned it does matters

dreamer said...

Okay was some what clear but now a little confused again.

elfgirl564 said...

anyone else on? my parents forgot about me so i got to stay on very very late! YAY!!!!!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I am so freaking bored cos no more books to read. Maybe i should just read The Wish List all over again.

turnabout said...

mmhmm the Wish List was a pretty good book.

Ink said...

What's Wish List about?


alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it