Sunday, November 11, 2007


I'm back! Tell me what's going on peoples!



dreamer said...

Not much Ink. I wrote a poem on my blog that's about as exciting as it gets.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Um... My fren told me bout her blog!!! The link is right below your post!!! Let's see... I WENT TO THE LIBRARY!!! YAY!!!! I borrowed 7 books!!! Whoot!!! I bought the Boys Like Girls' CD last Thursday. Ok that isn't that recent. Nothing much.

Ink said...

Dreamer, Ooo! I like poems! I'll go and read it sometime soon!

MRF13, Sounds like you're having a good time! I LOVE Boys Like Girls! How's their album???


turnabout said...

i'm sick again...

Ink said...

What?? With what??


turnabout said...

mm... dunno yet... whatever my mom had earlier this month...

alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it