Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Peeps by Scott Westerfeld

Hey guys! You should totally read this book called Peeps by Scott Westerfeld. It's really cool! It's a vampire story actually. I finished it today! Oh and there is a sequel called The Last Days and it's also really cool. You should totally read it!!!


elfgirl564 said...

that sounds good. ill have to try and find it. my library sucks. very small.

Ink said...

I read some of it... I just got really sickened with all the parasite references...
was it good?
I just stopped reading it...


Beth said...

Sounds Awesome.
I have been reading about vamps a lot lately.
One was about psyhcic vampires.Amazingly I started reading these right after I read Twilight.......
Which was awesome!!!!
I'm such a bookworm......
Anyways I am going to try to read that lol.That was why I started this comment.....

O NO!!!I'm Rambling!!!

dreamer said...

Sounds cool

alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it