Monday, October 29, 2007


it's late so i'm not gunna explain but this day is terribly bittersweet so much so that it cuases me physical pain.


not nice!
i don't like feeling all mushy, kitties don't get all mushy; it's not in our nature.
!i'm gunna eat someone!

*head droops*

nope don't have it in me.
that's how 'freaked' up this day was (yes, i know, a euphemism; so sue me)

maybe tomorrow will be better...


Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I know how you feel. Some times life just sucks. What happened anyways??? Today my form teacher didn't come!!!!! We didn't do anything. And yesterday we went to the frigging Changi Beach. We had to pick up the litter. Stupid. And some of my classmates(who are boys) threw sand at me. Fun!!! This shows how barbaric boys are. Throwing sand. How mature. Yup, yesterday sucked like shit.

elfgirl564 said...

whats wrong sweetie? yes life does just suck!!!!!! tomorrow will be better, if not go beat someone up, that always helps me. i love you.

Ink said...

Yesterday was messed up. As was today in my opinion.

So what's new with you Kitty?


turnabout said...

max ride fan 13: boy do suck sometimes.

elfy: What happened?

Vanessa happened.

And yeah today was just a bad/worse but i got permission from the guy(only a couple years older but w/e he's in charge) working at Extended to hit my friend whenever she said 'no way anyway' or 'i dont speak english good' i stopped after a while but i still has three valid kicks left.

inky: nothing's new except the weird hurtiness.
what about you?

elfgirl564 said...

poor kitkat.

turnabout said...

eh i'll live...maybe

dreamer said...

It was a very bad day today. Don't worry we're here for you kat.

elfgirl564 said...

of course you'll live.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

OMG. That sucks.

Ink said...

Same here. New hurtiness (as you put it).


turnabout said...

in know i'm going to live, i don't doubt that... unfortunatly i'm just not sure that's what i really want at all...

not that i'm suicidal. if anyone makes any comment about me being suicidal i will injure them severely; that's the kind of mood i'm in.

elfgirl564 said...

YELLOW MONKYS!!!!!!!!! HA HA IM HYPER!!! SUGAR HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

elfgirl564 said...

i totally know what you mean sweetie. sometimes it would be better if i could just go to sleep and never wake up. *sigh* AT LEAST I HAVE CANDY!!!!!

alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it