Friday, October 26, 2007


Nothing is wrong, I didn't say that like I'm all freikin depressed. I dint say I was gonna kill myself. I said that I was probably get my self killed ON ACCIDENT in like the next few years. why would you guys think that. If you knew the kind of thing I do than you'd be wondering how I'm still alive. stop bugging me.

and delete the post raven!! that wasn't me asking by the way.
If I doo get myself killed some how I just want to say one thing> O.J. DID IT!!!!!! lol, jk.

seriously, stop friekin out over everything I say.


Anonymous said...



elfgirl564 said...

ok. sorry. just the way she said sounded like...well anyway, glad that cleared up.

turnabout said...

not gunna comment.

miss you though.

~ kat

Just another face in the crowd said...

Well I hope nothing happens to you... and I would like to say good job, I'm happy you're not dead. ^_^
You're pretty brave/strong and that's awesome! :)

dreamer said...

Just don't let anyhting happen to yourself okay until the rest of us die.Is that to much to ask.

dreamer said...

Luv yah wolfy! No more fresking out.

Ink said...

Go and check your e-mail to see what I think k?
: )

Love ya.


alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it