Sunday, October 14, 2007

1 thing I hate

one thing I hate about not going to any school is I have no idea what you guys are talking about when you are talking about stuff like someone made a comment on the 300 picture about quazimoto and the war or something was it real?anyway I dont under stand it :D it just makes you guys appreciate you education more:D

ok just felt like posting that cause I have nothing else to do


dreamer said...

There was an actuall war. Persia was trying to broaden their empire so they tried to take greece over but the Spartans weren't having that. But there was corruptions in their war counsil elder thingys they were getting paid off by persia. But king Lionitis said I'm going for a little walk with 300 of my best warriors.(That's what spartan culture was about strictly military)And he went and killed thousands of persians. But this hump back guy betrayed the 300 and told xerxes about a seceret trail to out flank the 300. So they died like hero. And since they killed the king Sparta was automatically aloowed to take their army and kick the Perians a$$es. It was pretty damn cool. Qauzimoto was the hunch back of notre dame.

dreamer said...

I think the comment counter is retarted.

dreamer said...

Where did you go Garren?

elfgirl564 said...

serious? when are we suposed to learn THAT?!!!!

Beth said...

I learned something.
What I don't get is how this is useful in real life.
Why learn it?Or teach it for that matter.

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Haha lolz. I'll try to get the CBox back up some time soon

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

I JUST DID!!!! YAY ME!!!! But the links disappeared

dreamer said...

You learn it in world history. I think we need to learn about it so if a crazed psycho trys to take over the world we no how to defeat them. And it's just plain cool 300 killed thousands.That's forking cool.

elfgirl564 said...

that is cool. but since the us has all the nucular wepons couldnt we just blow them up before they came near us? school is highly overrated. half the stuff you never use and the half you use but its just plain stupid! when in real life do solve yx 1/2x ? hummm? that is useless for a normal kid. and kudos to christopher for discovering america but do they have to repeat five million times? and can they get it right? he discovered hati or cuba not america! sorry about that. i had a frusterating day at school. *sigh* and theres four years left. and thats not counting collage!!!!!!!!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Oh and i sorta edited your post for you! Just chenged a few words. I think you should carry a dictionary everywhere with you! Just kidding!

Max Ride Fan 13 said...

Sigh. Why is no one online? I'm stayin up late just so i can chat with someone you know! Sigh. I'll wait for half an hour then i'll give up and go to sleep.

elfgirl564 said...

is ok. i probably should cuz i suck a spelling but that would be heavy. im trying to think...hummm. i was alseep when you were posting.

alright me and the packs music you dont have to like it